General knowledge of Chernihiv Oblast the state/province of Ukraine

Mostly asked questions about the province Chernihiv Oblast

What is the country of Chernihiv Oblast ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Chernihiv Oblast ?

How many cities are in the state Chernihiv Oblast ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Chernihiv Oblast ?

What are the name of cities of Chernihiv Oblast ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Chernihiv Oblast

First question is about the country which is Ukraine and UA is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Chernihiv Oblast there is only 41 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Chernihiv Oblast by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Chernihiv Oblast
Country Name flag of UA Ukraine
Country Code UA
Total States of Ukraine 25
Total Cities of State 41

All Cities of Chernihiv Oblast

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Avdiyivka 51.77660000 32.79988000
2 Bakhmach 51.18144000 32.83463000
3 Baturyn 51.34567000 32.87794000
4 Berezna 51.57160000 31.78456000
5 Bobrovytsya 50.74693000 31.39480000
6 Borzna 51.25464000 32.42690000
7 Chernihiv 51.50551000 31.28487000
8 Chernihiv Raion 51.58333000 31.33333000
9 Chernihivs’ka Mis’krada 51.49923000 31.28805000
10 Desna 50.92731000 30.76048000
11 Dihtyari 50.58264000 32.77012000
12 Dobryanka 52.06314000 31.18567000
13 Horodnya 51.89085000 31.59741000
14 Ichnya 50.86258000 32.39425000
15 Kholmy 51.87096000 32.60063000
16 Kobyzhcha 50.82854000 31.50439000
17 Korop 51.56638000 32.95861000
18 Koryukivka 51.76877000 32.24813000
19 Kozelets’ 50.91334000 31.12140000
20 Kruty 51.05974000 32.10634000
21 Kulykivka 51.37345000 31.64661000
22 Ladan 50.51959000 32.58178000
23 Lisovi Sorochyntsi 50.68920000 32.32919000
24 Lyubech 51.70260000 30.65692000
25 Mena 51.52170000 32.21568000
26 Mens’kyy Rayon 51.52148000 32.02166000
27 Nizhyn 51.04801000 31.88688000
28 Nosivka 50.93152000 31.58282000
29 Novhorod-Sivers’kyy 52.00577000 33.26150000
30 Olyshivka 51.22266000 31.33314000
31 Oster 50.95060000 30.88229000
32 Pryluky 50.59323000 32.38761000
33 Ripky 51.80105000 31.08383000
34 Sedniv 51.64473000 31.56497000
35 Semenivka 52.17827000 32.58183000
36 Shchors 51.81865000 31.94504000
37 Snovs'kyy Rayon 51.83333000 32.00000000
38 Sosnytsya 51.52387000 32.49985000
39 Sribne 50.66384000 32.91867000
40 Varva 50.49503000 32.71968000
41 Zhuravka 50.48108000 32.59490000